

Wistar rats encompass a number of rat substrains that have been derived from a common lineage over the past 50+ years. The Wistar rat, Wistar Hannover (Wistar HAN) rat, and Wistar Unilever (WU) rat are outbred rat strains, while the Wistar Kyoto and Wistar Furth rats are inbred strains.

Wistar scientists were among the first to develop antiviral and antitumor monoclonal antibodies that have been widely used as tools for basic research and to develop therapies against cancer and immune diseases. Wistar scientists have been pioneers in the study of oncogenes and the genetic basis of cancer.

The Wistar Han rats were housed two per cage under standard conditions in accordance with USDA Animal Welfare guidelines. Researchers examined the rats twice daily to confirm food and water was available and to check for morbidity, mortality and/or injury.
The colony is maintained in a full barrier with an SPF status, and our Wistar are free of Wistar Cytomegalovirus (GpCMV).

Colony health testing is performed according to FELASA recommendations.

Please contact us for pricing and availability of our wistar in your region.